Developer Financing

Page Street Rendering

Are you an affordable housing developer? When developers partner with a lender like Housing Trust Silicon Valley, affordable housing becomes a reality. We are a lender that navigates financing reliably and is also a trusted leader in addressing affordable housing in the community.


$45.2 million






Thank you to our Financing Partners

View lists of investors in our TECH Fund and Affordable Housing Growth Fund & 2015 Loan Pool, as well as our Fund Partners.


Isaac grew up on the same block as Page Street Studios, Charities Housing’s new affordable housing complex located in the West San Carlos Urban Village area. With a smile, he remembers standing at his grandmother’s doorway and peering down the street with his cousins. “Now I’m standing here looking down that way, and it’s kind of fun,” chuckles Isaac.

A native of San José, Isaac grew up with a small family, including his mom, grandmother, and five cousins who were often at his grandmother’s house. He attended Trace Elementary and Lincoln High School and actively played sports. Down the line, Isaac made some unhealthy decisions that led to addiction and being involved in gangs, and he ended up in prison.

Read the full story on our website:

Isaac on a bike in front of Page Street

Isaac and Angelica

“It’s real – it really is. I’m living proof. For anyone in the same position I was in, give it a chance. You can come inside. You can come indoors and quit being on the streets.”

“Every day is a new hope. Every day is a gift and a new chance and opportunity. It’s in our hands what we’re going to do that day. Every time we have a workshop or training, Isaac is one of those that are always present and participating, and trying to help other residents.”
— Angelica (Angel) Marie Sterling, Program Supervisor, Community Solutions