Housing Trust Silicon Valley welcomes participation from all lenders and encourages them to join the Lender Contact List and receive updates on new guidelines, programs, and training classes.
Notifications to Clients About Appointment Only Meetings
Housing Trust Silicon Valley is not open to the public or accepting walk-in visits at this time. We are available to communicate with you via phone and email and kindly ask to please be patient with our response times. Below is our contact information:
Phone: 408-703-3837 ext. 301
Email: homebuyer@housingtrustsv.org
Not Sure Where to Start?
Please download and review the Lender requirements and instructions for participation. You should also attend a quarterly lender training class held by the Homeownership Programs Department (see the calendar for class details).
If your company has not yet approved Housing Trust’s programs, you can find all of the documentation needed for lender participation here.
We recommend lender training for mortgage loan originators to familiarize themselves with available homeownership programs, program guidelines, and the application/loan process.