
Nellie Hannon Gateway Groundbreaking

A new, 100% affordable housing development with 90 units just broke ground in the City of Emeryville. Take a behind-the-scenes look at the groundbreaking, hosted by mission-driven developer Resources for Community Development. We were honored to join the celebration, with Fathia Macauley, our Chief Lending Officer speaking about our partnership with RCD. We supported RCD’s vision for Nellie Hannon Gateway from the beginning with an acquisition loan to get the project started.

Named after former Emeryville Councilmember Nellie Hannon, who is also the founder and head of ECAP, 43% of the homes will be for formerly unhoused neighbors. ECAP is a nonprofit food assistance program that has been serving the community from this site for many years, and will occupy the commercial space on the ground floor.

Congratulations and thank you to RCD, ECAP, and all the public and private partners who helped make this new community possible! #AffordableHousing#Community#CDFI