Our annual Investor Briefing is back for 2021 and is taking place May 20 from 10:00am to 11:00am. You can register for Investor Briefing here. This is the moment to…

Save the Dates: Investor Briefing 2021 and More Coming to Affordable Housing Month
April 13, 2021

Housing Trust Silicon Valley: Investor Briefing 2021 – May 20th: 10am – 11am
April 8, 2021
Housing Trust’s annual Investor Briefing is an opportunity to review recent accomplishments in our work helping everyone from those experiencing homelessness to renters to first-time homebuyers. Join our Chief Executive…

Sen. Jim Beall Presents Housing Trust Resolution
March 13, 2020
We had been looking forward to the honor of having Senator Beall and several of his counterparts from the assembly join us to celebrate on stage at Investor Briefing. We…

Bolder Measures, Greater Equity
March 13, 2020
by: Kevin Zwick, CEO, Housing Trust Silicon Valley Today, I had planned to welcome more than 600 friends and neighbors at our annual Investor Briefing to celebrate our collective work…

Success Stories
Empowered by Home: Laura’s Story
March 12, 2020
By: Laura Jones, schoolteacher, Santa Clara Unified I was fortunate enough to be able to purchase my first home through the Empower Homebuyers SCC program. I first heard about the…

March 13, 2020 is Housing Trust's Investor Briefing!
December 12, 2019
This is the time of year when we’re ordering new calendars for 2020. When you get yours be sure to save the date of Friday, March 13, 2020, 10:30am to 1:00pm, for…

On the House is on Oct. 7th (and we have an #InvestorBriefing20 Update)
August 29, 2019
Tickets to our fall event, On The House, are now available on Eventbrite and you can buy your tickets to On the House today! This year On the House will be…

Save the Dates! On the House 2019 and Investor Briefing 2020 are On the Way
June 28, 2019
Our 2020 fiscal year started July 1, and before we know it we’ll be heading beyond summer and approaching our fall event, On the House. Be sure to save the date: October 7, 2019.

Investor Briefing 2019: Great Event, Greater Speakers
April 27, 2019
We cannot thank you enough for making Investor Briefing 2019 our most successful one yet. Because you helped us spread the word on social media, signed up to attend or both, we had a record number of sponsors – including champion sponsors Google and Silicon Valley Bank – and over 600 people at the event.

NetApp Joins TECH Fund Campaign with $10M Investment – And Quickly Helps 130 Home Project
April 27, 2019
The sun hadn’t even risen on March 29th – the day of Housing Trust Silicon Valley’s Investor Briefing – when news of NetApp making a $10 million investment in TECH Fund hit the airwaves.