The conversion of tax credits into dollars for development can often be confusing for many community development practitioners. Join Craig Mizushima, Housing Trust’s Chief Compliance & Risk Officer, for a…

Small Homes, Big Impact – Building and Financing an ADU, Part 1- 10:30am Webinar
April 30, 2020
Topic: Can I build an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) on my site and How do I pay for it? Join Sonya Singha, Mortgage Loan Officer, Construction & ADU for part…

Empower Homebuyers SCC – 2:00pm Webinar
April 30, 2020
Funded by the 2016 Measure A Affordable Housing Bond, Empower Homebuyers SCC provides down payment assistance loans to first-time homebuyers. The program assists low to moderate income households in Santa…

Affordable Housing Finance 101 – 3:00pm Webinar
April 30, 2020
How does affordable financing work? What is the difference between Measure A, TECH Fund, and the Apple Affordable Housing Fund? Housing Trust’s Chief Lending Officer Fathia Macauley will give an…

Affordable Housing Month Kicks off May 1
April 24, 2020
Yesterday, the same day our Homeownership Team had their first Empower Homebuyers SCC webinar, Sonya Singha, a member of our ADU team, took part in an online panel discussion of…