Four weeks from today Housing Trust will be hosting our annual fall event, On the House, and we’d love for you to attend. In the meantime, we invite you to join…

On the House – 4:00pm – 5:30pm
September 1, 2020
Tuesday, October 6, 2020 Housing Trust Silicon Valley is excited to invite you to our virtual fall event, On the House! At this friend-raiser, we’ll provide updates on Housing Trust’s…

‘On the House Comes to Downtown San Jose
October 30, 2019
On the House, our annual fall celebration, took place on Oct. 7th at District SJ and gave us a chance to share our recent successes and give thanks to all…

On the House is on Oct. 7th (and we have an #InvestorBriefing20 Update)
August 29, 2019
Tickets to our fall event, On The House, are now available on Eventbrite and you can buy your tickets to On the House today! This year On the House will be…

Save the Dates! On the House 2019 and Investor Briefing 2020 are On the Way
June 28, 2019
Our 2020 fiscal year started July 1, and before we know it we’ll be heading beyond summer and approaching our fall event, On the House. Be sure to save the date: October 7, 2019.

Thank You for Making ‘On the House’ 2017 a Success!
October 26, 2017
It was wonderful to see all who joined us at SP2 Communal Bar + Restaurant to enjoy food and drinks and spend an evening networking while celebrating another year of creating affordable housing opportunities in Silicon Valley!