Leigh Avenue, a First Community Housing development in San Jose, has been welcoming residents over the last few months. Our role in the creation of these 63 homes for seniors…

Success Stories
Empowered by Home: Ryan and Teresa’s Story
July 14, 2021
When Ryan and Teresa’s landlord told them that the townhome they were renting for seven years was going to be placed on the market, the couple knew it was time…

Success Stories
Class of 2021: The Guardino Affordable Housing Scholarship Continues
June 25, 2021
One of Housing Trust’s programs is the Guardino Affordable Housing Scholarship, which is a $3,000 award given out to four students living in affordable housing and attending college in the…

Success Stories, Updates
Housing Trust Awarded $1.8 million from U.S. Treasury for COVID-19 Relief
June 15, 2021
Today Housing Trust Silicon Valley is proud to announce we are among 863 community development financial institutions (CDFIs) in the U.S. to be awarded funds from the Treasury’s CDFI Rapid…

Success Stories
Empowered by Home: Room to Grow for Ahmed and Fatima’s Family
May 24, 2021
Originally from India, Ahmed and Fatima are naturalized U.S. citizens. Ahmed has lived in the U.S. for over 25 years and Fatima for over 30 years. Ahmed works in the…

Press Releases, Success Stories, Updates
Affordable Housing Partnership Announces First Three Developments to Build New Homes in Sonoma County
March 25, 2021
The Sonoma County Housing Fund – a collaborative effort between the Santa Rosa Metro Chamber and nonprofit community development financial institution (CDFI) Housing Trust Silicon Valley – is proud to…

Success Stories
Empowered by Home: Marcela and her Son
February 1, 2021
Sometimes a well penned letter can change things forever. When Marcela and her six year old son first saw the house she would eventually purchase with help from the Empower Homebuyers SCC…

Just Funded, Success Stories
Grove Foundation Makes New $500,000 Investment in TECH Fund
December 22, 2020
Our TECH Fund campaign celebrated a new investment from a longtime partner: The Grove Foundation, one of the earliest investors, made an additional $500,000 commitment in Housing Trust’s affordable housing…

Success Stories
Empowered by Home: Laura’s Family
November 20, 2020
Almost exactly a year after she attended an informational presentation about the County of Santa Clara’s Empower Homebuyers SCC program, Laura and her two kids moved into their new home….

Success Stories, Updates
First Apple Affordable Housing Fund Groundbreaking: At SAHA’s Veterans Square in Pittsburg
November 11, 2020
Today we were proud to take part in the groundbreaking ceremony for Veterans Square – a 30 home affordable housing development by SAHA (ICYMI the press release from this morning…