Kent Brown of Leigh Avenue

Success Stories

Meet Kent from Leigh Avenue

Kent Brown of Leigh Avenue

Leigh Avenue, a First Community Housing development in San Jose, has been welcoming residents over the last few months. Our role in the creation of these 63 homes for seniors…

Rendering of 4th and Younger

Newly Funded

Google’s TECH Fund Investments Head to Work

Rendering of 4th and Younger

TECH Fund is Housing Trust’s affordable housing investment vehicle created to both encourage greater Bay Area employers and philanthropic organizations to invest in affordable housing and enable developers to compete…

Second Street Studios - First Community Housing

Newly Funded

$800K Bridge Loan to Second Street Studios

Second Street Studios - First Community Housing

First Community Housing received a $800,000 bridge loan for Second Street Studios, a 135 home project for which Housing Trust had provided predevelopment funding.  Following the groundbreaking in late 2017,…